and my passion for EMBRACING mature beauty, living a more natural, sustainable lifestyle, sharing my love for cooking and all things homemaking.
In 2011 I discovered I discovered the harmful ingredients in our food. I had been diagnosed 5 years prior with microscopic colitis which was a debilitating condition. I was desperate for answers. Nothing the doctors suggested was working to ease my symptoms. When I started reading about GMO (genetically modified organism) altering the food God intended for us, I had a LIGHT BULB moment! Could the chemicals in the food and drinks I had for years be causing my colitis?
I became completely obsessed with learning more and more about our food supply, the harmful ingredients added to process food and the harmful food given to the animals that are part of our food chain. I cut out all foods full of chemicals and my bathroom visits were cut by 3/4ths. I then started reading about raw milk and decided to try it to reintroduce good bacteria in my gut. You can read more about the benefits of raw milk here.
Cutting out ALL processed food and then reintroducing good bacteria to my gut through raw milk completely healed my gut!
I ate completely, 100% clean for 5 years. In 2016 I started allowing the occasional processed food back into my diet. I still try to eat MOSTLY clean foods but I'm not nearly as strict as I used to be those first 5 years.
Another passion of mine is teaching others how to make money online. 8 years ago I partnered with a naturally and botanically based haircare/skincare line in direct sales. I have mentored hundreds of people in this space. We live in a digital world so working online jus makes sense. If you have ever wanted to learn how to build a sales funnel to share digital products online check out our course An Accidental Roadmap
An Accidental Roadmap is the first of many courses we will be offering but is the most essential course to teach you how to start sharing your digital products with the world.
I'm excited for you to be on this journey with me as I get back to blogging, sharing my favorite recipes with you, more about embracing life as an empty nester, sharing my love for beauty, midsize fashion and all things decor and homemaking.